vineri, 16 octombrie 2009
OMG...Arctic Monkeys post solo Alex Turner 'Cornerstone' video
I am such a groupie...
Dau din coada de fericire..a aparut un videoclip nou pentru Cornerstone de pe noul album Humbug. Cantecul este foarte 'destept' ca si videoclipul..ah..ce ti-e si cu subtilitatile astea.
And a tip..pour les connaisseur-i..The Battleship, The Rusty Hook, The Parrot's Beak, The Cornerstone..sunt toate nume reale de pub-uri.
Versurile sunt ..acestea..
Thought I saw you in the battleship
but it was only a look a like
She was nothing but a vision trick
Under the warning light
She was close, close enough to be your ghost
But my chances turned to toast
When i asked her if i could call her your name
I thought i saw you in the rusty hook
Huddled up in wicker chair
I wandered up for a closer look
And kissed who ever was sitting there
She was close, and she held me very tightly
Till i asked awfully politely, please
Can i call you her name
And i elongated my lift home,
Yeah i let him go the long way round
I smelt your scent on the seatbelt
And kept my shortcuts to myself
I thought I saw you in the parrots beak
Messing with the smoke alarm
It was too loud for me to hear her speak
And she had a broken arm
It was close, so close that the walls were wet
And she wrote it out in letraset
No you can't call me her name
Tell me where's your hiding place
I'm worried i'll forget your face
And i've asked everyone
And i'm beginning to think i imagined you all along
I elongated my lift home
Yeah i let him go the long way round
I smelt your scent on the seatbelt
And kept my shortcuts to myself
I saw your sister in the cornerstone
On the phone to the middle man
When i saw that she was on her own
I thought she might understand
She was close, well you couldn't get much closer
She said i'm really not supposed to but yes,
You can call me anything you want
Si...partea care imi place cel mai mult..LIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Dau din coada de fericire..a aparut un videoclip nou pentru Cornerstone de pe noul album Humbug. Cantecul este foarte 'destept' ca si videoclipul..ah..ce ti-e si cu subtilitatile astea.
And a tip..pour les connaisseur-i..The Battleship, The Rusty Hook, The Parrot's Beak, The Cornerstone..sunt toate nume reale de pub-uri.
Versurile sunt ..acestea..
Thought I saw you in the battleship
but it was only a look a like
She was nothing but a vision trick
Under the warning light
She was close, close enough to be your ghost
But my chances turned to toast
When i asked her if i could call her your name
I thought i saw you in the rusty hook
Huddled up in wicker chair
I wandered up for a closer look
And kissed who ever was sitting there
She was close, and she held me very tightly
Till i asked awfully politely, please
Can i call you her name
And i elongated my lift home,
Yeah i let him go the long way round
I smelt your scent on the seatbelt
And kept my shortcuts to myself
I thought I saw you in the parrots beak
Messing with the smoke alarm
It was too loud for me to hear her speak
And she had a broken arm
It was close, so close that the walls were wet
And she wrote it out in letraset
No you can't call me her name
Tell me where's your hiding place
I'm worried i'll forget your face
And i've asked everyone
And i'm beginning to think i imagined you all along
I elongated my lift home
Yeah i let him go the long way round
I smelt your scent on the seatbelt
And kept my shortcuts to myself
I saw your sister in the cornerstone
On the phone to the middle man
When i saw that she was on her own
I thought she might understand
She was close, well you couldn't get much closer
She said i'm really not supposed to but yes,
You can call me anything you want
Si...partea care imi place cel mai mult..LIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Cu drag
Acestea nu sunt cuvintele mele.
Am facut copy paste de la un mail pe care l-am primit azi de dimineata.
Sunt absolut convinsa ca cel ce mi-a trimis aceste ganduri imi doreste doar binele si are numai intentii bune in ceea ce ma priveste.
Daca este asa..sentimentul este reciproc.
Here it goes..
Anul trecut, in aprilie, Maia Popescua fost intervievata de Teo cu ocazia celei de a 74-a aniversari. Teo a intrebat-o ce parere are ea despre batranete.Si acolo, la televizor, Maia a spus:
,,Ma excita"!
In ceea ce priveste modificarile fizice, ea a spus ca sunt multe, ca au loc zilnic, cum este si cazul sanilor ei. Acestia par ca suntintr-o cursa: care ajunge la talie mai repede!
Iata gandurile ei:
- Am invatat ca indiferent ce se intampla, indiferent de cat de rea pare viata azi, viata merge inainte si maine va fi mai bine.
- Am invatat ca poti caracteriza o persoana dupa felul cum se comporta in trei situatii: intr-o zi ploioasa, cand isi pierde bagajul si cand pune instalatia electrica in bradul de Craciun.
- Am invatat ca indiferent de relatia pe care o ai cu parintii tai, tot o sa-ti fie dor de ei cand vor pleca din viata ta.
- Am invatat ca a-ti face un trai nu este sinonim cu a face o viata.
- Am invatat ca viata iti da uneori o a doua sansa.
- Am invatat ca nu trebuie sa mergi prin viata cu mainile gata numai sa primesti. Este nevoie sa mai arunci si inapoi din ce primesti.
- Am invatat ca de cate ori hotarasti sa faci ceva cu inima deschisa, sigur ai luat o hotarare buna. - Am invatat ca atunci cand am dureri nu trebuie sa fiu eu "centrul universului'.
- Am invatat ca in fiecare zi trebuie sa atingi pe cineva. Oamenii iubesc o imbratisare calda sau o atingere prieteneasca pe spate.
- Am invatat ca oamenii uita ce ai zis sau ce ai facut, dar nu uita niciodata cum i-ai facut sa se simta.
- Am invatat ca am inca multe de invatat.
Am facut copy paste de la un mail pe care l-am primit azi de dimineata.
Sunt absolut convinsa ca cel ce mi-a trimis aceste ganduri imi doreste doar binele si are numai intentii bune in ceea ce ma priveste.
Daca este asa..sentimentul este reciproc.
Here it goes..
Anul trecut, in aprilie, Maia Popescua fost intervievata de Teo cu ocazia celei de a 74-a aniversari. Teo a intrebat-o ce parere are ea despre batranete.Si acolo, la televizor, Maia a spus:
,,Ma excita"!
In ceea ce priveste modificarile fizice, ea a spus ca sunt multe, ca au loc zilnic, cum este si cazul sanilor ei. Acestia par ca suntintr-o cursa: care ajunge la talie mai repede!
Iata gandurile ei:
- Am invatat ca indiferent ce se intampla, indiferent de cat de rea pare viata azi, viata merge inainte si maine va fi mai bine.
- Am invatat ca poti caracteriza o persoana dupa felul cum se comporta in trei situatii: intr-o zi ploioasa, cand isi pierde bagajul si cand pune instalatia electrica in bradul de Craciun.
- Am invatat ca indiferent de relatia pe care o ai cu parintii tai, tot o sa-ti fie dor de ei cand vor pleca din viata ta.
- Am invatat ca a-ti face un trai nu este sinonim cu a face o viata.
- Am invatat ca viata iti da uneori o a doua sansa.
- Am invatat ca nu trebuie sa mergi prin viata cu mainile gata numai sa primesti. Este nevoie sa mai arunci si inapoi din ce primesti.
- Am invatat ca de cate ori hotarasti sa faci ceva cu inima deschisa, sigur ai luat o hotarare buna. - Am invatat ca atunci cand am dureri nu trebuie sa fiu eu "centrul universului'.
- Am invatat ca in fiecare zi trebuie sa atingi pe cineva. Oamenii iubesc o imbratisare calda sau o atingere prieteneasca pe spate.
- Am invatat ca oamenii uita ce ai zis sau ce ai facut, dar nu uita niciodata cum i-ai facut sa se simta.
- Am invatat ca am inca multe de invatat.
Burning bright sau Simetria de temut
Tracy Chevalier e preferata mea.
Citesc in romana acum- Burning bright insa ma bucur ca l-am lecturat in englaza prima oara.
Ma mai bucur ca o citesc diferita (ce o insemna asta ??) si ma oftic ca nu o am si pe ultima Remarkable Creatures.
In rest le am pereche pe toate :Fata cu cercel de perla, Ingeri cazatori si Doamna si licornul si in romana si in engleza, lucru care ma incanta anormal.
I'd rather stay bold and lonely
Si pentru ca in cazul meu ...muzica fara fac sens:)
I'd rather be liberated, I find myself captivated
Stop doing what you
Keep doing it to
I'd rather stay bold and lonely, I dream I'm your one and only
Stop doing what you
Keep doing it to
Things are getting strange, I'm starting to worry
This could be a case for Mulder and Scully
Things are getting strange, now I can't sleep alone
I'd rather be jumping ship, I find myself jumping straight in
Stop doing what you
Keep doing it to
Forever be dozy and dim, I wake myself thinking of him
Things are getting strange, I'm starting to worry
Stop doing what you
Keep doing it to
This could be a case for Mulder and Scully
Things are getting strange, now I can't sleep alone
Stop doing what you
Keep doing it to
Things are getting strange, I'm starting to worry
This could be a case for Mulder and Scully
Things are getting strange, now I can't sleep alone
My bed is made for two and there's nothing I can do
So tell me something I don't know
If my head is full of you, is there nothing I can do?
Must we all march in two by two by two?
And as for some happy ending, I'd rather stay single and thin
Stop doing what you
Keep doing it to
Things are getting strange, I'm starting to worry
This could be a case for Mulder and Scully
Things are getting strange now I can't sleep
Aveam si niste nelamuriri.le-am ..clarificat
Adj. | 1. | dozy - half asleep; "made drowsy by the long ride"; "it seemed a pity to disturb the drowsing (or dozing) professor"; "a tired dozy child"; "the nodding (or napping) grandmother in her rocking chair" asleep - in a state of sleep; "were all asleep when the phone rang"; "fell asleep at the wheel" |
2. (Brit. informal) stupid, simple, slow, silly, daft (informal), senseless, goofy (informal), witless, not all there, slow-witted He called me a dozy cow.
dim [dɪm]
dim [dɪm]
adj dimmer, dimmest
1. badly illuminated a dim room
2. not clearly seen; indistinct; faint a dim shape
3. having weak or indistinct vision eyes dim with tears
4. lacking in understanding; mentally dull
5. not clear in the mind; obscure a dim memory
6. (Fine Arts & Visual Arts / Colours) lacking in brilliance, brightness, or lustre a dim colour
7. tending to be unfavourable; gloomy or disapproving (esp in the phrase take a dim view)
vb dims, dimming, dimmed
1. to become or cause to become dim
2. (tr) to cause to seem less bright, as by comparison
3. the US and Canadian word for dip [5]
[Old English dimm; related to Old Norse dimmr gloomy, dark]
dimly adv
dimness n
O muzichie noua sau ..but it was not your fault but mine and it was your heart on the line/I really fucked it up this time/ didn't I, my dear?
weep for yourself, my man,
you'll never be what is in your heart
weep little lion man,
you're not as brave as you were at the start
rate yourself and rape yourself,
take all the courage you have left
wasted on fixing all the problems that you made in your own head
but it was not your fault but mine
and it was your heart on the line
i really fucked it up this time
didn't I, my dear?
tremble for yourself, my man,
you know that you have seen this all before
tremble little lion man,
you'll never settle any of your score
your grace is wasted in your face,
your boldness stands alone among the wreck
learn from your mother or else spend your days biting your own neck
but it was not your fault but mine
and it was your heart on the line
i really fucked it up this time
didn't I, my dear?
Hummus- mor dupa el, cu lipie cu tot
Hummusul libanez este delicios... nevoie de naut, cam jumatate de kilogram pe care il spal bine si il las peste noapte in apa rece, o legatura de patrunjel- numai daca imi place patrunjelul in ziua respectiva,un praf de boia iute,cinci linguri de pasta de susan( tahini i se mai spune),cinci catei de usturoi ,ulei de masline,sare si bineinteles piper.Sa nu uit de sucul de lamaie..muuultaa lamaie; eu folosesc sucul de la o lamaie si jumatate la 500 grame de naut.
Si daca vreau sa arate farfurie..mai am nevoie de niste seminte de pin sau stafide. Eu prefer stafidele; e super combinatia dintre dulce si..hummus:)
Nautul inmuiat il fierb a doua zi ( de dimineata daca am pofta, cam o ora si.. la foc mic) in apa cu sare. Opresc si o cana mare din apa in care a fiert nautul.
Dupa ce s-a fiert, il curat de coji (dureaza foarte mult, cam o ora, doua; asa ca daca am timp, am energie, ma uit la film, ascult muzica, ma cert cu lume, ma gandescccc profund la ..lucruri..e activitatea perfecta).
Am incercat sa il prepar si cu tot cu coaja..e la fel de bun insa nu la fel de fin!!
Am un robot pentru pasat legume minunat pe care il folosesc si acum...Si in timp ce fac praf nautul adaug treptat usturoiul, pasta de susan, apa in care a fiert, sucul de lamaie, condimetele si cateva linguri cu ulei de masline. Toate dupa gust.Mare lucru..gustul asta!
Noi il mancam pe lipie proaspata. Recunosc ca mi-ar placea cu niste frigarui de mielusel, salata tabbouleh si un vin bun.Exista o conventie in grupul care mananca hummus- toata lumea il mananca..Otherwise..the garlic flavour is preeety obvious for the one who doesn't eat it.Nu il recomand la intalniri..romantice.
Despre salata de fasole vineri sau miercuri
Cand am chef de asa salata fac rost de niste fasole boabe( mare si frumoasa, alba sau rosie), o spal bine, bine cu apa rece si o las peste noapte la umflat..tot in apa rece.Si pana dimineata e umflata toata:)
Apoi o fierb in mai multe ape si pe langa ea mai pun niste ceapa, piper negru boabe, morcovi si telina si daca am chef si niste ardei iute uscat. Si niste sare de mare.
Cand e buna- adica s-a pentru mine asta se traduce se face praf la fiert, are gust de nu e tare in interior si moale in exterior, o strecor avand grija sa pastrez si niste supa in care a fiert.
Nu o spal...o las asa aburind un minut sau doua.
Cat timp fierbe insa ma ocup de dressing..sau sos:
trei linguri si ceva de otet balsamic Mizil
zece linguri de ulei de masline
sare de mare si mult piper negru proaspat macinat; piperul e secretul...aroma proaspata cu aburii din fasolea proaspat fiarta..sunt to die for.
ceapa rosie taiata marunt, finut..sau cum avem chef..
In fine...amestec otetul, uleiul, condimentele si ceapa in castronul in care voi face salata pana iese un fel de maioneza lucioasa si aromata.Si cat fasolea mea e inca aburinda o impac cu grija cu sosul cu ceapa si amestec cu grija.
Daca mi se pare ca e prea..uscata..mai pun putina supa in care a fiert fasolea si zdrobesc si niste boabe in timp ce le amestec.Si asa se incheaga o salata e buna si rece..a doua zi.
Nu uit niciodata de piperul proaspat care nu il fac pulbere.Insa fara piper..salata nu are farmec.
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